5 Ways How the Corona Crisis Will Change Organisations

Humankind is facing the biggest crisis of our generation. Across the globe, economies are coming to a standstill. Globalisation has been put on pause, and once the virus recedes, we will have to get used to the ‘1,5-meter economy’. For social creatures like humans, this social distancing will prove

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The Employee of Tomorrow will be a Digital Employee

The Coronavirus crisis has many organisations struggling with the new reality. All of a sudden, entire offices had to shift to remote work, although they might not have been ready for it. However, ‘never waste a good crisis’ is a famous saying, and despite these challenging times, it also offers

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Seen and Be Seen: How Facial Recognition Will Change Society

With the number of cameras drastically increasing in our world, facial recognition is rapidly taking flight. Facial recognition is a biometric faceprint, where artificial intelligence [https://www.thedigitalspeaker.com/understanding-elements-of-ai/] maps an individual’s face mathematically. This faceprint is then stored in data. Later, the stored data can be compared

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Why Academic Research Should Be Freely Available to All

This week, the University of California announced [https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2019/02/university-california-boycotts-publishing-giant-elsevier-over-journal-costs-and-open] that they cancelled the Elsevier subscription for academic journals. Elsevier refused to lower their fees and make UC articles open access available. This is a significant move as the University of California is one of

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To Save Innovation, We Need to Change Science

Science’s primary activity is discovery. It aims to explain how the world works and we can use that knowledge to change our world. To do so, over the centuries, the scientific method was developed, and it has proven its value. It helps us answer practical, but often important, questions.

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How to Build the Organisation of Tomorrow?

A question that I get asked a lot is how should organisations navigate today’s digital transformation? An interesting question that encompasses different layers. It depends on who asks the question, the company involved, the industry the company is in, the size of the company, etc. Since the arrival of

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