Beyond Hype: AI's Real Impact on Workplace Dynamics

Is AI the new boss on the block? The 2024 Work Trend Index suggests leaders are playing catch-up as employees take the reins with AI. The 2024 Work Trend Index by Microsoft and LinkedIn paints a vivid picture of a workforce rapidly transforming under the influence of AI.

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The Search (R)Evolution: Will ChatGPT Replace Google?

OpenAI is set to challenge Google's longstanding dominance in the search engine market with the anticipated launch of a ChatGPT-powered search engine. This new engine, rumoured to integrate AI capabilities deeply with live data, aims to enhance user interactions beyond traditional search queries

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Cool Currents: China's Leap in Battery Technology

In a groundbreaking move, Chinese researchers have significantly advanced battery technology by developing a water-based battery that doubles the energy capacity compared to traditional lithium cells and enhances safety by eliminating the risk of flammability.

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