CEO or Chatbot? The AI Takeover at the Top

As AI reshapes the office, even CEOs aren't safe. With their high salaries and decision-making roles, CEOs seem ripe for AI replacement. Already, companies like NetDragon and Dictador have AI-driven CEOs handling strategic decisions without human biases.

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AI or Just Hype? The Public Isn't Sure Yet

Generative AI has dominated headlines and tech discussions, but is it as revolutionary as its proponents claim? According to a recent study surveying six countries—Argentina, Denmark, France, Japan, the UK, and the USA—the public's engagement with AI tools like ChatGPT paints a mixed picture.

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AI Kill Switch: Too Little, Too Late?

The recent AI Seoul Summit saw major tech players like Google, OpenAI, and Microsoft agree to implement a "kill switch" for their most advanced AI models. This measure is intended to halt AI development if it crosses certain risk thresholds.

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