How to Solve a Global Identity Crisis Using Blockchain

We have an outdated identity system. You might not be aware of it because you are using it on a daily basis and all seems to be fine. However, identity faces a major crisis and we need to solve some big challenges. To achieve this, we have to bring identity

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The Race is On: How Blockchain Will Change Governments

We are at a global crossing point and if we manage to solve some of the problems that we have created in the past decades, the world can become a better place. When the web was developed, the objective was to create a decentralised web. However, somehow, we ended up

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7 Blockchain Benefits for the Finance Industry

A few days ago, The Merkle [] ran a story that R3CEV, the largest blockchain consortium of banks and technology firms, admitted that the technology they are developing does not use a blockchain and as such they admitted defeat. A day before that article, R3CEV released a

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How Blockchain Can Help Combat Climate Change

Blockchain technology will enable us to decentralise the web and decentralise many, if not all, the services that are offered via the web. A decentralised internet was how the internet was originally envisioned, but somehow in the past 25 years, it ended up in the hands of a few very

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Blockchain Explained – part 5 – ICOs and DAOs

The Blockchain has the potential to change our societies completely. However, it is still a nascent technology, one which can be difficult to grasp. Therefore, I am writing a series of blog posts on what is the blockchain. This is part 5 and the final blog post of this series.

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Blockchain Explained – part 4 – Transactions and Smart Contracts

Blockchain is rapidly gaining attention from organisations in every industry. However, it is a difficult to understand technology that, if not executed correctly could result in serious harm to your organisation. Therefore, in this series of posts on the blockchain, I explain what the Blockchain is and how it affects

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What is the Blockchain and Why is it So Important?

The blockchain is growing in importance. Increasingly organisations have to explore what this revolutionary technology will mean for their business. Marc Andreessen from the well-known VC firm Andreessen Horowitz calls it as big an invention as the internet. Last year, in my Big Data Trends [

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