The Top 7 Technology Trends for 2018

It is that time of the year again and 2017 is over before we knew it. The Year of Intelligence [] brought us a lot of progress and change; from over-hyped ICO’s to algorithms that created secret languages. As every year since 2012, I

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How Zero-Knowledge Proof Enables Trustless Transactions and Increases Your Privacy

While the challenges facing the future viability of Bitcoin [] and other cryptocurrencies remain unresolved, the underpinning technology that supports Bitcoin, Blockchain, has the potential to revolutionise the way we leverage trust- and even the way we think about trust. Trust is a

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Beyond Bitcoin: 7 of the Top Trending Cryptocurrencies

When most people think of a cryptocurrency, the first thing to come to mind is probably Bitcoin. But Bitcoin is just one of many. At the moment, there are over 1670 cryptocurrencies [], with a total market cap of over $200 billion, each of which offers different values

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How Blockchain Will Give Consumers Ownership of Their Data

Blockchain is set to change data ownership. It will help restore data control to the user by empowering them to determine who has access to their information online. It is a paradigm shift in how we deal with data and it will offer consumers the much-needed control over their own

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3 Ways Blockchain Will Transform the Internet of Things

There is no denying the power of the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT devices are already in 60 percent of U.S. homes using a broadband connection [] , and an estimated 200 million vehicles will be connected [

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Why Bitcoin Will Ultimately Fail and What Will Come Next

We live in exciting times, where it has become possible to send money across the globe nearly instantaneously, where you can create value out of nothing and where we are working towards a future that is decentralised. The first application that kickstarted this revolution was Bitcoin when it was launched

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Why Blockchain Matters for Your Online Reputation

Just as word-of-mouth can make or break your business, your online reputation can either help or hurt your business. In today’s digital world, our “real” lives are increasingly becoming merged with our digital lives and it is transcending to the world of business and e-commerce. But how can you

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Why Blockchain Will Improve Your Big Data

The rise of cloud storage has helped companies collect and manage massive amounts of data. Data comes from corporate systems, Internet of Things objects and unstructured sources like online forums. New analytics tools like Hadoop help companies make sense of that data. Yet simply having data and analysis tools doesn’

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How Blockchain Could Significantly Improve Democracy

Distributed ledger technologies such as Blockchain are a hot topic at the moment. Startups incorporating blockchain technology are raising hundreds of millions of dollars using a new form of crowdfunding called the Initial Coin Offering (ICO). Many of these startups offer new solutions for existing problems or are adapting existing

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