Tokenomics: How Tokens Fuel the Decentralised Economy

The decentralised economy is booming, despite heavy losses on the crypto market in the past months. In the first quarter of 2018, venture fundraising [] in blockchain [] startups has been more than 40% of the total VC funding in

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How Blockchain Could Disrupt the Telecom Industry

The Telecom industry is known for reinventing itself. In the early days of telecom, fixed landlines were the key product of Telco’s, while with the advent of the mobile phone this moved to mobile subscriptions and the massive cash cow SMS. However, in recent years, for many Telecom organisations

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How Blockchain Can Enable a Liquid Democracy

With the authoritarian model gaining strength [] in the world and President Xi Jinping of China consolidating his power and changing the rules to effectively become “emperor for life, democracy is having a tough time at the moment. Even President Trump

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How to Develop a Blockchain Strategy: a Roadmap

Knowing what blockchain is and how it can contribute to solving some of the world’s biggest challenges is one thing; knowing how to develop a blockchain strategy is another thing altogether. Meanwhile, understanding how to implement a blockchain strategy within your business is even more difficult. Blockchain, particularly when

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Crypto Regulations: How ICO Regulations Differ Across the Globe

For those of you who have been reading my recent articles, I have been focussing my attention on the necessity of regulations [] in the crypto world [] . The number of scams among ICOs seems to be growing and on

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What Does Telegram’s ICO Mean for the World of Crypto?

A few weeks ago, the Telegram white paper leaked []. The white paper discusses Telegram’s plans to build a decentralised [] ecosystem, launch a variety of Blockchain services and, of course, the Telegram Open Network (TON) comes with

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Why the Organisation of the Tomorrow is a Data Organisation

The fast-changing, uncertain and ambiguous environments that organisations operate in today, requires organisations to re-think all their internal business processes and customer touch points. In addition, due to the availability of emerging (information) technologies such as big data, blockchain and artificial intelligence [], it has become

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Why Banning Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies is Not the Solution

Many government bodies, regulators, investors and banks see Bitcoin, or even the whole cryptocurrency market, as a speculative bubble. Some say it is a fraud, while others speculate that it will continue to rise in 2018. Earlier, I wrote an article why I believe that Bitcoin will fail [https://datafloq.

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How Blockchain Will Affect the Content Industry

From its humble beginnings with bitcoin, blockchain has morphed into a technology that has the potential to affect nearly every industry from banking to online publishing. At Imagjn [], we also see the enormous potential of blockchain [], which is why we are developing

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