Building the Decentralised Ecosystem – Who is Involved?

Last week, Sir Tim Berners-Lee revealed [] his new vision, one where the internet becomes decentralised again as he originally had envisioned it. His technology is called Solid POD and will allow every internet user to store their own data, be it video; articles; wearable

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The 5P’s of a Self-Sovereign Identity

Increasingly, big data is invading consumers’ lives. It affects consumers’ privacy as the web has become such a centralised platform. When you have centralised organisations collecting so much consumer data and using it to offer personalised advertising to their users, it causes problems. As Jonathan Taplin discussed in his book

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Online Reputation: How Sesame Credit Changes the Concept of Privacy

The internet has a problem. On the one hand, we have the ‘Western internet’ where everyone can do as they like, where you can be anonymous and say/do whatever you want, but where reputation [] and online trust is difficult. As the famous saying goes:

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Where to Open a Bank Account in Europe as a Crypto Startup?

Many banks around the globe are not very crypto-friendly. Most of them simply refuse any company that has something to do with cryptocurrencies, whether you are a trading company or doing an ICO. These banks rather stay away from cryptocurrencies [], being afraid of criminal activities

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What the Convergence of AI and Blockchain Means for Organisations

AI and Blockchain [] are two of the hottest technology trends hitting the market today. Blockchain stands to revolutionise communication and transaction recordation, building trust between strangers and enabling increased provenance, transparency and privacy. AI takes on incredibly complex tasks and applies tremendous computing power to

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Why We Should Embrace Technology to Change Globalisation

We live in a world where increasingly globalisation is under threat. The biggest threat comes from trade wars, started by Mr Trump, that could significantly harm the world economy. This week, the International Monetary Fund warned that Trump’s trade war could cost the global economy $430 billion in 2020

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Thanks to Emerging Technologies, the Future Will Never Be Slow Again

The fast-changing, uncertain and ambiguous environments that organisations operate in today, require organisations to re-think all their internal business processes and customer touch points. In addition, due to the availability of Emerging Information Technologies such as big data analytics, blockchain and artificial intelligence, it has become easier for startups to

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How Blockchain Will Disrupt the Retail Industry

The retail industry has become increasingly complex in the past decades. Products are made in one part of the world, assembled in another and sold in a third part of the world, whether it is food, clothing or flowers. As a result of this complexity, transparency has become challenging, and

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How Blockchain and GDPR Could Work Together

In an era where data privacy is an increasing concern, blockchain technology is moving toward a more transparent and more verifiable security model. Blockchain is a decentralised database where any data stored is read and write and not editable. As such, any data is immutable, verifiable and traceable. That puts

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Blockchain: Transforming your Business and Our World

A few weeks ago, I spoke at the Global Blockchain Conference in Kuala Lumpur and at Windays 2018 in Porec, Croatia and I had some very interesting discussions with the participants on the enormous potential of Blockchain for business. Blockchain has a lot of potential for organisations to improve their

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