5 Ways How Blockchain Will Change the Travel Industry

The myriad of companies that are involved in a single customer’s travel plans is one of the main reasons why many people are excited about how blockchain can transform the travel industry [https://www.thedigitalspeaker.com/artificial-intelligence-change-travel-industry/]. Just as Bitcoin was conceived as a method for bypassing financial intermediaries,

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The Organisation of Tomorrow – Available Now!

Earlier this year, I completed my PhD at the University of Technology Sydney. My research focused on how do emerging information technologies change the interaction of organisations and technologies. The title of my research was: Sociomateriality in the age of Emerging Information Technologies: How big data analytics, blockchain and artificial

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The Top 11 Blockchains for Enterprise Organisations, and Why

Organisations wanting to use blockchain technology to decentralise their data and collaborate with industry partners are now presented with a bewildering range of options. Since the Bitcoin revolution began in 2008, the number of blockchain [https://www.thedigitalspeaker.com/what-is-the-blockchain-and-why-is-it-so-important/] networks has mushroomed to the point where companies must carefully

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7 Companies Protecting Your Food with Blockchain

Food is important and you are what you eat. Eating healthy and good food is important if you wish to be fit and healthy. Even if you have an unhealthy diet, the occasional big mac, you want your food to be of good quality. Meaning you want your food to

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Libra is Here: What Does a Facebook Cryptocurrency Mean for the World?

After months of speculation, Facebook has revealed its Libra blockchain and the Libra coin to the world. The highly-anticipated cryptocurrency ran into immediate [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-06-18/france-calls-for-central-bank-review-of-facebook-cryptocurrency] opposition in Europe and the United States. The French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said it was “out of

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Blockchain and Trust: The Advantages of a Decentralised System

Blockchain has the potential to revolutionise the way we leverage trust and even the way we think about trust. It is a fundamental good. While largely intangible, it is key to the functioning of practically every meaningful interaction in society. We tend to think of trust concerning businesses, banking, relationships

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Why the Government of Tomorrow is Also a Data Organisation

Nowadays, every organisation is a data organisation. This not only applies to commercial organisations, but also to governments. Governments at every level – local, regional, national and supranational – should take a different approach to organise their activities. However, becoming a data organisation is not an easy feat. It requires governments to

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Five Blockchain Trends for You to Consider this Year

The blockchain ecosystem is rapidly expanding. New blockchains or different consensus mechanisms are announced continuously, resulting in a more mature ecosystem. For blockchain [https://www.thedigitalspeaker.com/what-is-the-blockchain-and-why-is-it-so-important/] technology to achieve wide-scale adoption, a decentralised ecosystem has to be developed. To achieve a decentralised society, many more components need to

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Could Blockchain Prevent the Internet of Vulnerable Things?

The Internet of Things [https://www.thedigitalspeaker.com/how-big-will-internet-things/] is coming. Unfortunately, connected devices have a variety of vulnerabilities and almost any smart device is a vulnerable device. Security issues include technical problems (outdated software, insecure data transmissions, etc.) and people problems (simple and default passwords, public Wi-Fi, etc.). As

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Blockchain Requires Industry Collaboration: The Launch of INATBA

When the web was developed over 25 years ago, the technologies in place significantly lowered the cost of building a global company. Thanks to the internet, it has become possible to reach a large part of the global population simply from behind your computer. Those companies who first understood the

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