The Top Seven Technology Trends for 2020

We have reached the end of 2019 and just like in previous years, I am looking ahead to see what organisations can expect next year. 2019 was the year of truth [], with many enterprises developing blockchain proof of concepts, Google confirming a quantum supremacy

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4 Steps to be Successful with the Digital Transformation of Your Business

According to McKinsey [] , data-driven organisations are 23x more likely to acquire customers, 6x more likely to retain customers and 19x more likely to be profitable. Being data-driven is good for business. Therefore, it is not a surprise that one question I always get when

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Why Tokens Matter and How to Clarify a Path Towards Tokenisation

The organisation of tomorrow [], despite differences in industry, location, products and services on offer, will all have one thing in common: they will use some sort of token as the key enabler to their business. Organisations have multiple options when selecting the type of crypto

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3 Concepts that Define the Future of Work

The organisation of tomorrow will look fundamentally different than today’s organisation. Those enterprises that are aware of the upcoming changes can best prepare and achieve competitive advantage in a data-driven society. Consequently, the future of work will require management and employees to take a different approach when it comes

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How Blockchain Proxy-Voting Improves Shareholder Engagement

We live in an increasingly globalised world. Although some world leaders [] believe that the future belongs to patriots rather than globalists, technology is making the world an ever more integrated and smaller place. In fact, we can say that

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7 Blockchain Challenges to be Solved before Large-Scale Deployment

When organisations adopt new technologies, the context of that technology plays an important role. How people deal with the material properties of new technology is informed by their previous experience of using or not using similar technologies in the past. Since blockchain is still a new technology, how organisations adopt

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How Blockchain Could Contribute to Ending Poverty in All Its Forms

Technological advancements have reduced global poverty significantly in the past 100 years. Many people have been able to leave poverty due to this. However, more than 1.3 billion people still live in extreme poverty. Extreme poverty [] is defined as having less than

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