30 Ways How AI Will Change Your Business

Artificial intelligence has the power to change our society [https://www.thedigitalspeaker.com/future-artificial-intelligence-global-perspective/] dramatically. Within the coming years, AI is likely taking over many of the jobs currently done by humans. Not only repetitive work can be taken over by AI, but also more difficult jobs such as customer

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Online Reputation: How Sesame Credit Changes the Concept of Privacy

The internet has a problem. On the one hand, we have the ‘Western internet’ where everyone can do as they like, where you can be anonymous and say/do whatever you want, but where reputation [https://www.thedigitalspeaker.com/blockchain-matters-online-reputation/] and online trust is difficult. As the famous saying goes:

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AI: A Force for Good or Bad?

This week, Elon Musk praised the work of OpenAI after a team of five neural networks had defeated five humans, who ranked in the top 99.95 percentile of players worldwide, in the popular game Dota 2. The five bots had learned the game by playing against itself at a

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What the Convergence of AI and Blockchain Means for Organisations

AI and Blockchain [https://www.thedigitalspeaker.com/organisation-tomorrow-data-organisation/] are two of the hottest technology trends hitting the market today. Blockchain stands to revolutionise communication and transaction recordation, building trust between strangers and enabling increased provenance, transparency and privacy. AI takes on incredibly complex tasks and applies tremendous computing power to

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Why We Should Ban Lethal Autonomous Weapons

A few days ago, some of the world’s most renowned entrepreneurs, engineers and scientists in the technology industry warned for the dangers of artificial intelligence and that of lethal autonomous weapons. Over 150 companies and 2400 individuals from 90 countries signed the lethal autonomous weapon pledge [https://futureoflife.org/

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Why We Should Embrace Technology to Change Globalisation

We live in a world where increasingly globalisation is under threat. The biggest threat comes from trade wars, started by Mr Trump, that could significantly harm the world economy. This week, the International Monetary Fund warned that Trump’s trade war could cost the global economy $430 billion in 2020

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How AI Can Unlock the Intelligent Internet of Things

The algorithmic organisation [https://www.thedigitalspeaker.com/top-7-technology-trends-2018/] is an organisation built around smart algorithms. Algorithms that define company processes [https://www.thedigitalspeaker.com/organisation-tomorrow-data-organisation/], that deliver customer services, that take action when necessary and as such define the way the world works. Thanks to machine learning and deep learning,

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